ตัวอย่าง Job Description : 3D Artist

ตัวอย่าง Job Description ของตำแหน่งงาน 3D artist (3D visual effects artist or 3D modeler)

1. Modeling: Creating 3D models from concept art or written descriptions.
2. Texturing: Adding surface details, colors, and materials to 3D models.
3. Lighting: Setting up lighting for scenes, characters, or objects to create the desired mood and atmosphere.
4. Animation: Bringing 3D characters or objects to life through keyframe animation, motion capture, or physics simulations.
5. Rendering: Generating photorealistic images or videos from 3D scenes using various rendering software and techniques.
6. Compositing: Combining rendered 3D elements with live-action footage, matte paintings, or other visual effects elements to create the final composite image.
7. Collaboration: Working closely with directors, producers, art directors, and other team members to ensure that the desired creative vision is achieved.

ตัวอย่าง KPI ที่สำคัญของตำแหน่งงาน 3D artist

1. Project Completion Rate: Measure the percentage of projects you complete within a certain timeframe or budget.
2. Quality Score: Assign a score to each project based on its overall quality, aesthetics, and technical execution (e.g., 1-5 stars).
3. Client Satisfaction: Track client feedback, ratings, or testimonials to gauge your performance in meeting their expectations.
4. On-time Delivery Rate: Monitor the percentage of projects delivered on time or ahead of schedule.
5. Budget Compliance: Ensure that your project expenses stay within allocated budgets or percentages of total budget.
6. Revision Cycle Time: Measure the average time taken to complete revisions or changes requested by clients.
7. Design Variations: Track the number of design variations created for each project, indicating adaptability and problem-solving skills.
8. Style Consistency: Monitor the consistency of your art style across projects, demonstrating your ability to maintain a cohesive visual identity.
9. Technical Skill Development: Set goals for improving specific technical skills, such as mastering new software or techniques (e.g., 3D modeling tools, lighting techniques).
10. Time-to-Learn: Measure the time taken to learn new software, tools, or workflows, reflecting your ability to adapt and grow.
11. Collaboration Effectiveness: Track the success of collaborations with other artists, designers, or stakeholders, highlighting effective communication and teamwork.
12. Project Value: Assign a monetary value to each project completed, reflecting its importance, complexity, or revenue generated.